PF 2021 součástí mezinárodního projektu

PF 2021 součástí mezinárodního projektu

  • 21. 01. 2021

Dear students of ZUŠ P. J. Vejvanovského, Hlučín, 

Congratulations on receiving the attached Certificate of Appreciation to your school which means, to each of you. We are very pleased to award them to you in honor of your participation in Holiday Season 2020. Despite the very short timeline for submitting entries (December 15, 2020 to January 15, 2021), you responded to our call and contributed to this special addition of the very successful International Corona Multimedia Showcase.  

We are happy to inform you that together with you there were over 350 children and young people from 20 countries (and virtually every continent) who made submissions as well. Your project has helped us to create a wonderful display of diverse entries representing the activities as well as the hopes, dreams, thoughts and feelings of young people during the most extraordinary holiday season celebrated during the COVID-19 pandemic. Thank you so much!

All our best wishes,

Holiday Season 2020 Team